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Physikalisches Institut

Experimentalphysik - Prof. Dr. Ingo Rehberg

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Frank Mickoleit, Cornelia Jörke, Reinhard Richter, Sabine Rosenfeldt, Simon Markert, Ingo Rehberg, Anna Schenk, Oliver Bäumchen, Dirk Schüler, Joachim H. Clement: Long‐Term Stability, Biocompatibility, and Magnetization of Suspensions of Isolated Bacterial Magnetosomes. In: Small, 19 (2023). - .


Simeon Völkel, Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Comment on "Hysteretic transition between states of a filled hexagonal magnetic dipole cluster". In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 559 (2022). - .

Simeon Völkel, Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Comment on "Hysteretic transition between states of a filled hexagonal magnetic dipole cluster".. - Ithaca, NY, 2022. -


Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Dynamics of a magnetic gear with two cogging-free operation modes. In: Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91 (2021). - S. 1423-1435.


Stefan Hartung, Ingo Rehberg: Dynamics of a magnetic gear with two cogging-free operation modes.. - Ithaca, NY, 2020-08-13. - 9 S.

Armin Kögel, Alexandra Völkel, Reinhard Richter: Calming the waves, not the storm : measuring the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability in a tangential magnetic field. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 903 (2020). - .

Alexandra Völkel, Armin Kögel, Reinhard Richter: Measuring the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, stabilized by a tangential magnetic field. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 505 (2020). - .


Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter, Stefan Hartung: Graphical Magnetogranulometry of EMG909.. - Ithaca, NY, 2019-07-30. - 3 S.

Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter, Stefan Hartung, Niklas Lucht, Birgit Hankiewicz, Thomas Friedrich: Measuring magnetic moments of polydisperse ferrofluids utilizing the inverse Langevin function.. - Ithaca, NY, Cornell University, 2019-07-24. - 6 S.

Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter, Stefan Hartung, Niklas Lucht, Birgit Hankiewicz, Thomas Friedrich: Measuring magnetic moments of polydisperse ferrofluids utilizing the inverse Langevin function. In: Physical Review B, 100 (2019). - .

Pedro A. Sánchez, Justus Miller, Sofia S. Kantorovich, Reinhard Richter: Unknotting of quasi-two-dimensional ferrogranular networks by in-plane homogeneous magnetic fields.. - Ithaca, NY, 2019. - 4 S.

Anita Freundorfer, Ingo Rehberg, Beverly E. Law, Christoph Thomas: Forest wind regimes and their implications on cross-canopy coupling. In: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 279 (2019). - .


Armin Kögel, Pedro A. Sánchez, Robin Maretzki, Tom Dumont, Elena S. Pyanzina, Sofia S. Kantorovich, Reinhard Richter: Coarsening dynamics of ferromagnetic granular networks : experimental results and simulation. In: Soft Matter, 14 (2018). - S. 1001-1015.

Sabine Rosenfeldt, Stephan Förster, Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Birgit Weber: Self-assembly of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles into cuboidal superstructures.. - Ithaca, NY, 2018. -

Sabine Rosenfeldt, Stephan Förster, Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Birgit Weber: Self-Assembly of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Into Cuboidal Superstructures. In: Natalia Domracheva, Maria Caporali, Eva Rentschler (Hrsg.): Novel Magnetic Nanostructures. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2018. - S. 165-189.

Frank Mickoleit, Klara Altintoprak, Nana L. Wenz, Reinhard Richter, Christina Wege, Dirk Schüler: Precise Assembly of Genetically Functionalized Magnetosomes and Tobacco Mosaic Virus Particles Generates a Magnetic Biocomposite. In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (2018). - S. 37898-37910.

Stefan Hartung, Felix Sommer, Simeon Völkel, Johannes Schönke, Ingo Rehberg: Dotriacontapoles : almost self-assembled.. - Ithaca, NY, 2018. - 5 S.

Stefan Hartung, Felix Sommer, Simeon Völkel, Johannes Schönke, Ingo Rehberg: Assembly of eight spherical magnets into a dotriacontapole configuration. In: Physical Review B, 98 (2018). - .

Stefan Borgers, Simeon Völkel, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Exploring cogging free magnetic gears.. - Cornell University Library, 2018. -


Simeon Völkel, Kai Huang: Dynamics of wetting explored with inkjet printing. In: EPJ Web of Conferences, 140 (2017). - .

Manuel Baur, Kai Huang: Dynamics of wet granular hexagons. In: Physical Review E, 95 (2017). - .

Kai Huang: Impulse response of the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. In: Peter Wille (Hrsg.): Fortschritte der Akustik : Plenarvorträge und Fachbeiträge der 23. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Akustik, Kiel. - Oldenburg : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, 2017. - S. 238-241.

Axelle Amon, Philip Born, Karen Daniels, Joshua Dijksman, Kai Huang, David Parker, Matthias Schröter, Ralf Stannarius, Andreas Wierschem: Preface: Focus on imaging methods in granular physics. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 88 (2017). - .

Andreas Zippelius, Kai Huang: Density-wave fronts on the brink of wet granular condensation. In: Scientific Reports, 7 (2017). - .

Florian Johannes Maier, Markus Sesselmann, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Pace and patterns of magnetic swimmers in a billiard pool. In: Physical Review E, 96 (2017). - .

Philipp Ramming, Kai Huang: Clustering and melting of a wet granular monolayer. In: EPJ Web of Conferences, 140 (2017). - .

Felix Ott, Stephan Herminghaus, Kai Huang: Radar for tracer particles. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 88 (2017). - .

Ingo Rehberg: Comment on: "Stability of vertical magnetic chains" by Johannes Schönke and Eliot Fried. In: Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 473 (2017). - .


Johannes Schönke, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Magnetkugeln - ein 10-Euro-Labor. In: Physik-Journal, 15 (2016). - S. 31-37.

Thomas Müller, Kai Huang: Influence of the liquid film thickness on the coefficient of restitution for wet particles. In: Physical Review E, 93 (2016). - .

Adrian Lange, Christian Gollwitzer, Robin Maretzki, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Retarding the growth of the Rosensweig instability unveils a new scaling regime. In: Physical Review E, 93 (2016). - .


Lorenz Butzhammer, Simeon Völkel, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Pattern formation in wet granular matter under vertical vibrations. In: Physical Review E, 92 (2015). - .

Kai Huang: 1/f noise on the brink of wet granular melting. In: New Journal of Physics, 17 (2015). - .

Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Comment on "Self-assembly of magnetic balls: From chains to tubes". In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - .

Thomas Müller, Daniel de las Heras, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Ordering in granular-rod monolayers driven far from thermodynamic equilibrium. In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - .

Sara Mehdizadeh Taheri, Maria Michaelis, Thomas Friedrich, Beate Förster, Markus Drechsler, Florian M. Römer, Peter Bösecke, Theyencheri Narayanan, Birgit Weber, Ingo Rehberg, Sabine Rosenfeldt, Stephan Förster: Self-assembly of smallest magnetic particles. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112 (2015). - S. 14484-14489.

Johannes Schönke, Tobias M. Schneider, Ingo Rehberg: Infinite geometric frustration in a cubic dipole cluster. In: Physical Review B, 91 (2015). - .

Andrea Fortini, Kai Huang: Role of defects in the onset of wall-induced granular convection. In: Physical Review E, 91 (2015). - .

David J. B. Lloyd, Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Homoclinic snaking near the surface instability of a polarisable fluid. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 783 (2015). - S. 283-305.


Florian Winkel, Stephan Messlinger, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Miriam Siebenbürger, Matthias Ballauff: Corrigendum: Thermal convection in a thermosensitive colloidal suspension (2010 New J. Phys. 12 053003). In: New Journal of Physics, 16 (2014). - .


Andreas Pöhlmann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Unravelling the Rayleigh-Taylor instablity by stabilization. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 732 (2013). - S. R3.

Stephan Messlinger, Christoph Kramer, Jürgen J. Schmied, Florian Winkel, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Experimental observations of Soret-driven convection in the transient diffusive boundary layer. In: Physical Review E, 88 (2013). - .

Stephan Messlinger, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Transient diffusive boundary layers at high Rayleigh numbers in simple and double diffusive fluids: Latency time scaling for the convection onset. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 62 (2013). - S. 336-349.

Christopher May, Michael Wild, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Analog of surface melting in a macroscopic nonequilibrium system. In: Physical Review E, 88 (2013). - .

Thomas Müller, Frank Gollwitzer, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg, Kai Huang: Scaling of the normal coefficient of restitution for wet impacts. In: Powders and grains 2013 : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sydney, Australia, 8 - 12 July, 2013. - Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2013. - S. 787.

Kai Huang, Lorenz Butzhammer, Ingo Rehberg: Dynamics of rotating spirals in agitated wet granular matter. In: Powders and grains 2013 : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Sydney, Australia, 8 - 12 July, 2013. - Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2013. - S. 702.


Robin Pettau, Thomas Müller, Maxim Khazimullin, Ingo Rehberg, Hans-Werner Schmidt: Structure-property relations of liquid crystalline gels with ABA-triblock copolymers as gelators. In: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie : International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics, 226 (2012). - S. 645-664.

Frank Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle, Kai Huang: Coefficient of restitution for wet particles. In: Physical Review E, 86 (2012). - .

Thomas Friedrich, Tobias Lang, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Spherical sample holders to improve the susceptibility measurement of superparamagnetic materials. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 83 (2012). - .


Kai Huang, Ingo Rehberg: Period Tripling Causes Rotating Spirals in Agitated Wet Granular Layers. In: Physical Review Letters, 107 (2011). - .

Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Kruelle: Observation of Density Segregation Inside Migrating Dunes. In: Physical Review E, 84 (2011). - .

Thomas Friedrich, Adrian Lange, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: A note on the magnetic spatial forcing of a ferrofluid layer. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 47 (2011). - S. 167-174.

Reinhard Richter: Mag(net)ic Liquid Mountains. In: Europhysics News, 42 (2011). - S. 17-19.

Maxim Khazimullin, Thomas Müller, Stephan Messlinger, Ingo Rehberg, Wolfgang Schöpf, Alexei Krekhov, Robin Pettau, Klaus Kreger, Hans-Werner Schmidt: Gel formation in a mixture of a block copolymer and a nematic liquid crystal. In: Physical Review E, 84 (2011). - .


Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: From phase space representation to amplitude equations in a pattern-forming experiment. In: New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010). - .

Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle: Particle dynamics of a cartoon dune. In: New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010). - .

Holger Knieling, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: The growth of localized states on the surface of magnetic fluids. In: Physics Procedia, 9 (2010). - S. 199-204.

Marina Krekhova, Tobias Lang, Reinhard Richter, Holger Schmalz: Thermoreversible Hydroferrogels with Tunable Mechanical Properties Utilizing Block Copolymer Mesophases As Template. In: Langmuir, 26 (2010). - S. 19181-19190.

Thomas Friedrich, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Magnetic traveling-stripe forcing : Enhanced transport in the advent of the Rosensweig instability. In: Physical Review E, 82 (2010). - .

Florian Winkel, Stephan Messlinger, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Miriam Siebenbürger, Matthias Ballauff: Thermal convection in a thermosensitive colloidal suspension. In: New Journal of Physics, 12 (2010). - .

Kai Huang, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg: Snooping in the sand. In: ZAMM : Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics = Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 90 (2010). - S. 911-919.

Marina Krekhova, Günter Lattermann, Holger Schmalz, Tobias Lang, Reinhard Richter: Towards softer thermo-reversible magnetogels. In: Physics Procedia, 9 (2010). - S. 224-228.


Christopher Groh, Andreas Wierschem, Nuri Aksel, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Kruelle: Erratum: Barchan dunes in two dimensions : Experimental tests for minimal models [Phys. Rev. E 78, 021304 (2008)]. In: Physical Review E, 79 (2009). - .

Christopher Groh, Nuri Aksel, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle: Grain size dependence of barchan dune dynamics. In: Masami Nakagawa (Hrsg.): Powders and grains 2009. - Melville, NY : American Institute of Physics, 2009. - S. 955-958.

Christian Gollwitzer, Marina Krekhova, Günter Lattermann, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Surface Instabilities and Magnetic Soft Matter. In: Soft Matter, 5 (2009). - S. 2093-2100.

Reinhard Richter, Adrian Lange: Surface Instabilities of Ferrofluids. In: Stefan Odenbach (Hrsg.): Colloidal magnetic fluids : basics, development and applications of ferrofluids. - Berlin : Springer, 2009. - S. 157-247.

Axel Feltrup, Kai Huang, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg: The rotation-reptation transition under broken rotational symmetry. In: The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 179 (2009). - S. 19-24.

Christian Gollwitzer, A. N. Spyropoulos, A. G. Papathanasiou, A. G. Boudouvis, Reinhard Richter: The normal field instability under side-wall effects : comparison of experiments and computations. In: New Journal of Physics, 11 (2009). - .

Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Kruelle: How attractive is a barchan dune?. In: New Journal of Physics, 11 (2009). - .

Jiayin Yuan, Haitao Gao, Felix Schacher, Youyong Xu, Reinhard Richter, Wolfgang Tremel, Axel H. E. Müller: Alignment of Tellurium Nanorods via a Magnetization-Alignment-Demagnetization ("MAD") Process assisted by an External Magnetic Field. In: ACS Nano, 3 (2009). - S. 1441-1450.


Verena Sterr, Robert Krauß, Konstantin I. Morozov, Ingo Rehberg, Andreas Engel, Reinhard Richter: Rolling ferrofluid drop on the surface of a liquid. In: New Journal of Physics, 10 (2008). - .

Andreas Wierschem, Christopher Groh, Ingo Rehberg, Nuri Aksel, Christof A. Krülle: Ripple formation in weakly turbulent flow. In: The European Physical Journal E, 25 (2008). - S. 213-221.

Achim Beetz, Christian Gollwitzer, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Response of a ferrofluid to traveling-stripe forcing. In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20 (2008). - .

Christian Gollwitzer, Alexander Turanov, Marina Krekhova, Günter Lattermann, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Measuring the deformation of a ferrogel sphere in a homogeneous magnetic field. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 128 (2008). - .

Christopher Groh, Andreas Wierschem, Nuri Aksel, Ingo Rehberg, Christof A. Krülle: Barchan dunes in two dimensions: Experimental tests for minimal models. In: Physical Review E, 78 (2008). - .

Reinhard Richter: Flüssige magnetische Gebirge. In: Physik-Journal, 7 (2008). - S. 39-44.

Martin May, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Alexei Krekhov, Agnes Buka: Transition from longitudinal to transversal patterns in an anisotropic system. In: Physical Review E, 78 (2008). - .


Christian Gollwitzer, Gunar Matthies, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Lutz Tobiska: The surface topography of a magnetic fluid : a quantitative comparison between experiment and numerical simulation. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 571 (2007). - S. 455-474.

Christof A. Kruelle, Andreas Götzendorfer, Rafal Grochowski, Ingo Rehberg, Mustapha Rouijaa, Peter Walzel: Granular flow and pattern formation on a vibratory conveyor. In: Andreas Schadschneider, Thorsten Pöschel, Reinhart Kühne, Michael Schreckenberg, Dietrich E. Wolf (Hrsg.): Traffic and Granular Flow '05. - Berlin : Springer, 2007. - S. 111-128.

Holger Knieling, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Gunar Matthies, Adrian Lange: Growth of surface undulations at the Rosensweig instability. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Holger Knieling, Adrian Lange, Gunar Matthies, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Maximal growth rate at the Rosensweig instability : theory, experiment, and numerics. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7 (2007). - .

Christopher Groh, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Friedrich H. Busse: Reorientation of a hexagonal pattern under broken symmetry : The hexagon flip. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Matthias Müller, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: Experimental observation of a nonpitchfork acceleration instability in a nematic liquid crystal. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .

Matthias Müller, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Andreas Timme, Günter Lattermann: Fréedericksz transition in a thermoreversible nematic gel. In: Physical Review E, 76 (2007). - .


Robert Krauß, Mario Liu, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Pumping fluid by magnetic surface stress. In: New Journal of Physics, 8 (2006). - .

Ruben Saldivar-Guerrero, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Nuri Aksel, Lutz Heymann, Oliverio S. Rodriguez-Fernández: Viscoelasticity of mono- and polydisperse inverse ferrofluids. In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 125 (2006). - .

Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg, Reinhard Richter: Via hexagons to squares in ferrofluids : experiments on hysteretic surface transformations under variation of the normal magnetic field. In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18 (2006). - .

Andreas Götzendorfer, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg, Daniel Svenšek: Localized Subharmonic Waves in a Circularly Vibrated Granular Bed. In: Physical Review Letters, 97 (2006). - .

Andreas Götzendorfer, Chi-Hwang Tai, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg, Shu-San Hsiau: Fluidization of a vertically vibrated two-dimensional hard sphere packing : A granular meltdown. In: Physical Review E, 74 (2006). - .


Andreas Götzendorfer, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Granular surface waves in a vibratory conveyor. In: R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (Hrsg.): Powders and Grains 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-22 July 2005. - London : CRC Press, 2005. - S. 1181.

Christof A. Kruelle, Mustapha Rouijaa, Andreas Götzendorfer, Ingo Rehberg, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel, Hamid El hor, Stefan J. Linz: Reversal of a granular flow on vibratory conveyors. In: R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (Hrsg.): Powders and Grains 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-22 July 2005. - London : CRC Press, 2005. - S. 1185.

Hamid El hor, Stefan J. Linz, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel, Christof A. Kruelle, Mustapha Rouijaa, Andreas Götzendorfer: Model for transport of granular matter on vibratory conveyors. In: R. Garcia-Rojo, H. J. Herrmann, Sean McNamara (Hrsg.): Powders and Grains 2005 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-22 July 2005. - London : CRC Press, 2005. - S. 1191.

Ruben Saldivar-Guerrero, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Lutz Heymann, Nuri Aksel, Oliverio S. Rodriguez-Fernández: Liquid to solid transition in inverse ferrofluids. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 88th Bunsen Discussion Meeting : 6th German Ferrofluid Workshop: “Magnetic Colloidal Fluids: Preparation, Characterization, Physical Properties and Applications”, 20.-22.07.2005, Saarbrücken, Deutschland.

Andreas Götzendorfer, Jennifer Kreft, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Sublimation of a Vibrated Granular Monolayer : Coexistence of Gas and Solid. In: Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005). - .

Ruben Saldivar-Guerrero, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Nuri Aksel, Lutz Heymann, Oliverio S. Rodriguez-Fernández: Solid to liquid transition of inverse ferrofluids under shear. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 41 (2005). - S. 385-389.

Alberto de Lózar, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Daniel Svenšek, Lorenz Kramer: Transformation from walls to disclination lines : Statics and dynamics of the pincement transition. In: Physical Review E, 72 (2005). - .

Robert Krauß, Mario Liu, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Fluid pumped by magnetic stress. In: Applied Physics Letters, 86 (2005). - .

Reinhard Richter, Igor V. Barashenkov: Two-Dimensional Solitons on the Surface of Magnetic Fluids. In: Physical Review Letters, 94 (2005). - .

Ruben Saldivar-Guerrero, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Nuri Aksel, Lutz Heymann, Oliverio S. Rodriguez-Fernández: Liquid to Solid Transition of Inverse Ferrofluids. In: Agris Gailitis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Joint 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD : vol. 1. - Rigas Jurmala : 2005. - S. 365.

Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Holger Knieling, Rene Friedrichs, Ingo Rehberg: Hexagons become the secondary pattern if symmetry is broken. In: Physical Review E, 71 (2005). - .

Tobias Schnautz, Ricardo Brito, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: A horizontal Brazil-nut effect and its reverse. In: Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005). - .

Reinhard Richter, Igor V. Barashenkov, H. Knieling, Christian Gollwitzer, Ingo Rehberg: Hexagons and Soliton-like Spikes : Radioscopy of the Rosensweig Instability. In: Agris Gailitis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Joint 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD : vol. 1. - Rigas Jurmnala : 2005. - S. 285.

Robert Krauß, Mario Liu, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Pumping Magnetic Liquid without any Moving Parts, but by Magnetic Stress. In: Agris Gailitis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the joint 15th Riga and 6th PAMIR International Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD : vol. 1. - Rigas Jurmala : 2005. - S. 313.

Alberto de Lózar, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg, Óscar Lafuente Cerdá, Günter Lattermann: Planar-fingerprint transition in a thermoreversible liquid crystalline gel. In: Physical Review E, 71 (2005). - .

Reinhard Richter, Igor V. Barashenkov: Ferrosolitonen : Solitäre Stacheln. In: Physik in unserer Zeit, 36 (2005). - S. 207-207.


Mustapha Rouijaa, Christof A. Krülle, Ingo Rehberg, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel: Transportverhalten und Strukturbildung granularer Materie auf Schwingförderern. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 76 (2004). - S. 62-65.

Andreas P. J. Breu, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Oscillatory patterns in a rotating aqueous suspension. In: The European Physical Journal E, 13 (2004). - S. 189-196.

Reinhard Richter: (Un)vergesslicher Tropfenabriss. In: Physik-Journal, 3 (2004). - S. 16-17.

Christof A. Kruelle, Sébastien Aumaître, Andreas P. J. Breu, Andreas Götzendorfer, Tobias Schnautz, Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel: Phase transitions and segregation phenomena in vibrated granular systems. In: Advances in Solid State Physics, 44 (2004). - S. 401-413.

Rafal Grochowski, Peter Walzel, Mustapha Rouijaa, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Reversing granular flow on a vibratory conveyor. In: Applied Physics Letters, 84 (2004). - S. 1019-1021.


Rafal Grochowski, S. Strugholtz, Peter Walzel, Christof A. Krülle: Granular Transport on Vibratory Conveyor. In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 75 (2003). - S. 1103.

Alberto de Lózar Muñoz, Thomas Bock, Matthias Müller, Wolfgang Schöpf, Ingo Rehberg: The corkscrew instability of a Fréedericksz domain wall in a nematic liquid crystal. In: New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003). - .

Peter Rupp, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Critical exponents of directed percolation measured in spatiotemporal intermittency. In: Physical Review E, 67 (2003). - .

Andreas P. J. Breu, Hans-Martin Ensner, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Reversing the Brazil-Nut Effect : Competition between Percolation and Condensation. In: Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003). - .

Alexander Rothert, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Formation of a drop : viscosity dependence of three flow regimes. In: New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003). - .

Eberhard Bodenschatz, Ronald Imbihl, Ingo Rehberg: Focus on Pattern Formation : Editorial. In: New Journal of Physics, 5 (2003). - .

Sébastien Aumaître, Tobias Schnautz, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Granular Phase Transition as a Precondition for Segregation. In: Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003). - .

Reinhard Richter, Bert Reimann, Adrian Lange, Peter Rupp, Alexander Rothert: Magnetic Liquid Patterns in Space and Time. In: Advances in Solid State Physics, 43 (2003). - S. 789-800.

Andreas P. J. Breu, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Pattern formation in a rotating aqueous suspension. In: Europhysics Letters, 62 (2003). - S. 491-497.

Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg, Adrian Lange: Oscillatory Decay at the Rosensweig Instability : Experiment and Theory. In: Physical Review E, 68 (2003). - .


Camilla Völtz, Michael Nitschke, Lutz Heymann, Ingo Rehberg: Thixotropes Verhalten von makroskopischen Suspensionen. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft : DY: Dynamik und Statistische Physik : DY 53: Granulare Materie, 11.-15. März 2002, Regensburg, Deutschland.

Matthias Schröter, Klaus Kassner, Ingo Rehberg, Josep Claret, Francesc Sagués: Influence of ohmic heating on the flow field in thin-layer electrodeposition. In: Physical Review E, 66 (2002). - .

Camilla Völtz, Werner Pesch, Ingo Rehberg: Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a sedimenting suspension. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

Camilla Völtz, Michael Nitschke, Lutz Heymann, Ingo Rehberg: Thixotropy in macroscopic suspensions of spheres. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

John C. Patterson, Tasman Graham, Wolfgang Schöpf, S. W. Armfield: Boundary layer development on a semi-infinite suddenly heated vertical plate. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 453 (2002). - S. 39-55.

Christof A. Krülle: Spuren im Sand. In: Physik-Journal, 1 (2002). - S. 21-22.

Camilla Völtz, Werner Pesch, Ingo Rehberg: Erratum: Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a sedimenting suspension [Phys. Rev. E 65, 011404 (2002)]. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

André Betat, Christof A. Kruelle, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Long-time behavior of sand ripples induced by water shear flow. In: The European Physical Journal E, 8 (2002). - S. 465-476.

Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Glasslike relaxation of labyrinthine domain patterns. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .

Matthias Schröter, Klaus Kassner, Ingo Rehberg, Josep Claret, Francesc Sagués: Experimental investigation of the initial regime in fingering electrodeposition : Dispersion relation and velocity measurements. In: Physical Review E, 65 (2002). - .


Alexander Rothert, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Transition from Symmetric to Asymmetric Scaling Function before Drop Pinch-Off. In: Physical Review Letters, 87 (2001). - .

Reinhard Richter, Jürgen Bläsing, Bert Reimann, Alexander Rothert, Peter Rupp, Axel Zeuner, Ingo Rehberg: Magnetically Induced Flow and Surface Structures. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 37 (2001). - S. 268-273.

Sébastien Aumaître, Christof A. Kruelle, Ingo Rehberg: Segregation in granular matter under horizontal swirling excitation. In: Physical Review E, 64 (2001). - .

Adrian Lange, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter: Wave number of maximal growth in viscous ferrofluids. In: Magnetohydrodynamics, 37 (2001). - S. 261-267.

Reinhard Richter, Jürgen Bläsing: Measuring surface deformations in magnetic fluid by radioscopy. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 72 (2001). - S. 1729-1733.


Adrian Lange, Bert Reimann, Reinhard Richter: Wave number of maximal growth in viscous magnetic fluids of arbitrary depth. In: Physical Review E, 61 (2000). - S. 5528-5539.

Thomas M. Bock, Jürgen Bläsing, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Alignment visualization using electroconvection of planar nematics. In: Review of Scientific Instruments, 71 (2000). - S. 2800-2806.

Michael A. Scherer, Guenter Ahlers, Frank Hörner, Ingo Rehberg: Deviations from Linear Theory for Fluctuations below the Supercritical Primary Bifurcation to Electroconvection. In: Physical Review Letters, 85 (2000). - S. 3754-3757.

Camilla Völtz, Matthias Schröter, Giulia Iori, André Betat, Adrian Lange, Andreas Engel, Ingo Rehberg: Finger-like patterns in sedimenting water–sand suspensions. In: Physics Reports, 337 (2000). - S. 117-138.

A. M. H. Brooker, John C. Patterson, Tasman Graham, Wolfgang Schöpf: Convective instability in a time-dependent buoyancy driven boundary layer. In: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 43 (2000). - S. 297-310.

Michael A. Scherer, Karsten Kötter, Mario Markus, Eric Goles, Ingo Rehberg: Swirling granular solidlike clusters. In: Physical Review E, 61 (2000). - S. 4069-4077.

Gunther Straßburger, Ingo Rehberg: Crystallization in a horizontally vibrated monolayer of spheres. In: Physical Review E, 62 (2000). - S. 2517-2520.


Bert Reimann, Thomas Mahr, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Standing twin peaks due to non–monotonic dispersion of Faraday waves. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 303-305.

Stefan Rudroff, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Relaxation of abnormal rolls in planarly aligned electroconvection. In: Physical Review E, 59 (1999). - S. 1814-1820.

Axel Zeuner, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: Weak periodic excitation of a magnetic fluid capillary flow. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 321-323.

Alexander Rothert, Reinhard Richter: Experiments on the breakup of a liquid bridge of magnetic fluid. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 324-327.

André Betat, Vidar Frette, Ingo Rehberg: Sand Ripples Induced by Water Shear Flow in an Annular Channel. In: Physical Review Letters, 83 (1999). - S. 88-91.

Axel Zeuner, Reinhard Richter, Ingo Rehberg: On the consistency of the standard model for magnetoviscosity in an alternating magnetic field. In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 201 (1999). - S. 191-194.

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Univ.Prof.Dr. Ingo Rehberg

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